Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Annotated Contact Sheet of photos

This is my annotated contact sheet, I was testing and editing my own images to see which ones I could use for my final outcome. 

This is my second contact sheet, it is mostly of music I have taken images of live, I plan on using these images in my contents to show there is a mixture inside my magazine.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Photo Plan

I plan to use a female as the headliner of the magazine. I have created a rock magazine so my photos will play a big part in creating the rock theme for the magazine. In my research of music magazines I find the common front covers use close up shots of the artists to show clearly who they are. For my front cover I plan to use a close up of a single female, dressed in dark contemporary clothing. She will also be wearing striking makeup, (bright red lips and dark black eyes) and jewellery to fit in with the celebrity culture.

I plan to use many pictures in my contents page as they are used as teaser photos to invite a reader into the magazine. I will use some photos I have taken of live bands, to make it similar to a real music magazine.I will use a mixture of mid shots and long shot photos to show all the different types of artists there are inside this magazine.

For my double page spread I plan on using a medium long shot which usually shows an entire person head to foot. This gives me the oppurtunity to show much more of the environment, the background.

The above title won the vote when asking my target audience their favourite of all the
titles below.I'm going to use this font and design as it is readable and suits the grunge
theme of the magazine. As this font design is unique it increases brand identity and makes
it easy to remember.

The comments from my target audience about this title was that it would not stand out
on the front cover which is what the aim of the title is. I think another problem with this title
is that it is not easily readable as the letters are faded. This is allowed if the magazine is
a highly recognised brand as I'm creating a fairly new magazine the title needs to be
easily noticed to become more popular.

The above title won the least amount of votes for audience favourite. The feedback received
of this title was thatit lacked boldness and 'wow factor'. However, I believe this title is unique
with lower case and upper case letter contrast making it fun and different. Perhaps, this font
does not suit the rock grungy style of my magazine though.

This title is bold and large which spread across the whole page, making the icon larger and
easier for the audience to recognise amongst competitors. This title was seen as too
simplictic compared with other magazine titles. The colours are not bright enough and
so it does not seem modern to suit my magazines audience age range.

Contents- Editors letter

I have the best news for Green day fans right now. They are finally touring the UK the news we’ve all been waiting for! I’ll be hanging out experiencing the tour, so come and say hi! If you can’t wait to find out where they are and their support acts turn to page 22! It may be the only chance to see the rockers, so be quick. Also there’s so much going on this week, from best performer Plan B (page 20) to the legends Led Zeppelin (page 48). There are plenty of new bands trying to make it big this week, and we have got them to show you. From hardcore metal bands to a cool classic rock sound, there is a good mix. Listen to their sound online then email us at feedback@riot.com and let us know your verdict! 

See you around!

This is the text I will use for my editor's letter, it is relevant to the genre of a rock magazine and has a similar content to other editor letters in music magazines.